level at Fisheating Creek
The creek was
paddled by native Floridians trading
goods from Lake Okeechobee to Arcadia in
earlier times. It was explored and
mapped by the Army in the 1840’s.
In the early 1900’s the Lykes
family purchased the Fisheating Creek
property and approximately 300,000 acres
of land in Glades and Highlands
Counties. The Fisheating creek property
was held by the Lykes family until
the 1980s when it became the focus of a
number of lawsuits. The lawsuits
were started when Lykes closed the creek
to the public causing the locals to
begin demonstrating. The creek had
for years been a focal point for the
community. Marriages were
consummated there, births celebrated,
and burials performed. Many made
their livelihood from fishing and
trapping. Most spent many of their
formative years along the banks or in
the waters of Fisheating Creek.
The cause attracted support from
paddlers, campers, fishermen, hunters
and many who were concerned that the
navigable waters of Florida were in
danger of becoming
inaccessible. The local Sierra
Club, Calusa Group became involved when
some of the members assisted in the
formation of the non-profit group named
Save Our Creeks. The group was
headed by Becky Hendry. Save Our
Creeks is currently headed by Ellen
Peterson. The group continues to be
involved in aspects of creek
management which is controlled by the
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission as a Wildlife Management
In 1999,
just ten years after the first closing
of the creek, the final lawsuit ended
when a Glades County jury found the
creek to be navigable and therefore
public lands up to the mean high
watermark. Celebrations were held
(and nobody was thrown off the creek and
nobody was tossed into the local
pokey). David Guest (now a lead
lawyer for Earth Justice, Florida) along
with Monica Reimer were
honored. Florida State Attorney
General Bob Butterworth, our Florida
hero, still has an award to be collected
when he has the opportunity to come to
the creek.
Creek Campground in Palmdale, FL was
opened by Fisheating Creek
Outfitters. Paddlers, campers,
boaters are welcome. Outside of the
campground, camping is free anywhere
along the creek corridor.
The Governor
appointed a Settlement Agreement
Advisory Board (SAAB) that is made up of
13 members drawn from Save Our Creeks,
ECOSWF, Lykes Brothers, Lykes Leasing,
an environmental group and a member of
the public.
The SAAB assists in overseeing the
management of Fisheating
Creek. Florida Wildlife Commission
and Save Our Creeks continue to function
in support of the creek and are at
present working to implement the opening
of Fisheating Creek as a paddling trail
through Cowbone Marsh to Lake
Okeechobee. This was mandated by
the Settlement as the creek was
determined to be navigable from the
headwaters to Lake Okeechobee.